Monday, February 24, 2014

Missed a bit...

Things have been a bit crazy around here, and I am coming off of a four-day migraine that stopped me from functioning at all.

This weekend was the first time I was functioning, and I am so glad I was!

Rory went to a Webelo's event called Snow-Shoe. It is the biggest event of the year for scouts, and it gives them an opportunity to showcase what they have learned and accomplished.  Out of their group, only 3 boys could go because of some illnesses, and they were lucky enough a younger boy attended with them, otherwise, they wouldn't have had enough boys to participate.

The four boys did AWESOME and showed the entire council how much they know, and how good of scouts they are!!!

It was amazing. They raked in a total of 17 awards! Including some first and second over-all awards. This was an awesome achievement for the boys, number one because of their lowered number of attendees, and number two, because of what it meant to them!

I could not be more proud. It wasn't about winning, it was about what they are able to do as a team, and group. It just showed Carl and I, and Rory, what a great decision he made to move patrols, and to become part of what is a perfect team of boys.

Overall, I am so proud of what they displayed as far as their skills, and more so, their character, and ethics. The older three boys took a younger boy, who was not on their level, made him part of the team, and included him as a part of who they were, and why they won. That says so much about these young men, and who they are. That young man left the event, happy and excited to do this again, and  determined to gain more skills for the future.

Cub Scouts is so much more than just the knots, or arrow shooting, or skills. It is about the boys, the relationships they form, and the men we lead them to be. The Webelo II leaders, and the parents of the kids, have really taken these boys, and turned them into young men, a team, friends, and into brothers. These boys will remember these moments for the rest of their lives.

“Keep before your mind in all your teaching that the whole ulterior motive of this scheme is to form character in the boys" … Baden-Powell

Saturday, February 15, 2014

As the sun sets...

As the sun sets, and the snow melts, I hope that everyone takes a moment to enjoy the beauty and purity of the snow, and sunlight. I hope you all take a moment to reflect on your lives, and remember the beauty in them.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Thursday, February 13, 2014

It hit...

We got about 9 inches or so, of nice powdery snow! We had enough to snowboard in the neighbor's yard, to make a fort, and to have fun into the night!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Still waiting...

The big snow storm is supposed to hit tonight... but for now, we are still waiting...

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


I have already posted the photos of all of the artwork which adorns my kitchen, it also is on the windows and doors... Evie made this today and insisted we hang it up...

Monday, February 10, 2014

Afternoon Snow...

We had a quick afternoon snow today, and accumulated a little over an inch at our house. There is a pending 10 inch storm heading our way tomorrow or Wednesday, and I have to say, I am excited. I went and picked up a new sled today, and even got a few "snow blocks" for the kiddos to make an igloo with. I just hope we get enough snow!

Here is a quick shot out my front window of what we have. I am anxiously awaiting some real snow for the first time since 2009!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Lego Boy...

I just recently learned that Lego is never plural. I had no idea that you do not play with Legos, but it is always that you are playing with Lego! Crazy huh?

Lego is a big part of our day. I swear even if the kids only have 5 minutes, that they are in the play room with Lego. It is insane. I have to say, I love that the Lego area is now contained and I no longer have to navigate the mine fields that once dominated the majority of my home.

Here is A-man with his newest creation. Please ignore the window. Apparently I fail at window washing, and didn't know until we took a photo with a flash!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

What do you get...

When you have a husband who needs a head shot for work, but he detests having a photo taken?

You get this guy...

Hubbie was quite irritated that it took more than one photo...

But he did end up with this.

Isn't he amazingly handsome? 

I love this guy... I guess that is a good thing since we have 4 kids, eh!?

Friday, February 7, 2014

Little Letters...

Last night, I was going to start a "date night" where I took each boy out for ice cream and homework. Arden was supposed to be first, and the only "rule" was that they had to help clean up and eat supper.

About 15 minutes before supper, Arden asked me for a snack, and I told him to wait. A few moments later, I hear a bag, and turn to see him sneaking crackers into his pockets, cramming them full.

I told Arden he had just lost ice cream, and he was devastated.

This morning, after the boys left for school, I found this...

He really is a little sweet heart. I'm glad he knows what he did, and that he apologized.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Fairy Princesses and little girls

After 4 boys, it is so wonderful (in most ways) to have a little girl.

Today I finally finished the fairy in Evie's room. I love getting to have some pink and purple in the room, and love even more that there are fairies in our house!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Piles of Laundry

I'm always amused at people who complain about their pile of laundry that they need to do, only to find out, it is a load, or maybe two that needs folded.

I swear I am constantly in the middle of at least 4 loads... here is what I am working on today... between caring for Evie, meetings, carpool, and the rest of the household duties.

Last day fun in the Waves...

Today was our last day. The kids rode rides all morning, and we spent a few hours in the wave pool!

Surfing fun...

The boys loved the surfing area, I think I took 400 photos of them today!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Mini Vacation!

We took a mini family vacation this week, and have had a blast!

If you haven't checked them out, Wilderness in the Smokies is a great place to go! They run specials that make it really affordable, and with it being the off season, we had the park to ourselves (well not totally, but there were very few people).

The waterpark has a great little grill (where surprisingly, there were options for our dairy-free kid), 4 water slides, a wave pool, a surf station, and two other "playset" areas for kiddos! It is always fun to go!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

It's February!

That means it is Valentines time!

I decided to totally embarrass Rory this year... and Arden.

I have to admit, I got a few ideas from social networking sites, and google. I am not good with corny cards and such...

Here are the Gittings' 2014 Valentines for the boys... (Evie's will come next week)